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Highest quality standards are achieved through the implementations of latest technology, decades of experience and everlasting moral values , which have helped us to retain our customers as well as multiply them.



Enviro Remediation & Research Laboratory ( ERRL) is established to carries out interdisciplinary scientific analysis in the field of environments. We have qualified and experienced scientists team and a well-equipped environmental laboratory with sophisticated instruments for carrying out analysis of parameters covering all fields of environment i.e. Water and wastewater analysis, air analysis, soil analysis, plastic biodegradation, toxicological, microbiological analysis. We conduct the analysis as per standard methods (ISO, APHA, MoEF, NACE, ASTM etc.). Enviro Remedation & Research Laboratory also has dedicated  R&D section to conduct new techniques and development.  

We offer:

Water: Testing for Drinking Water, boring water, Industrial and Municipal Wastewater, Water for Irrigation etc.
Air: Monitoring of RSPM, S.P.M. ACID MIST and gases like SO2, NO2, Cl2, H2S, NH3, CS2. Stack monitoring, noise level measurement and meteorological parameters.
Biology: Analysis of biological parameters including bacteriological, fungal, phyto and zooplankton, and toxicity testing including eco-toxicology.
Soil and Sludge: Soil and sludge testing
Environmental management: Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental clearance, Consent Management, Environmental Audit, environmental risk Assessment services. Municipal Solid Waste, Hazardous and e-Waste management. Management/Restoration of Water Bodies and Eco system restoration

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

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Air Quality Monitoring, Biodegradability Testing, Bioleaching, Bioremediation, Corrosion Analysis, Customized Aerobic Composter Bioreactor To Facilitate Biodegradation, Identification Of Endomycorrhiza Spore From The Biofertilizr Sample, Land Restoration, Microbiological Analysis Of Various Environmental Samples, On Site Environmental Testing And Analysis, Phytoremediation For Metal Removal From Environment, Plastic Recycling, Sludge Bioremediation, Solid Waste Management, Terrestrial Plant Test Seedling Emergence And Seedling Growth Test Earthworm Toxicity, Toxicity Testing